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Woman's Club

Making a Difference in Our Community Since 1911
Artwork by Ryan Russell
Welcome to the Lexington Woman’s Club!
We are an intrepid group of volunteers serving our community in Lexington City and throughout Rockbridge County. We are proud to be part of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) and strive to support our neighbors via projects to promote Arts and Culture, Civic Engagement, Education, the Environment, and Health and Wellness.
We also love to partner with and support like-minded local friends like Boxerwood, Project Horizon, and Rockbridge Christmas Baskets.
In short, we share our time and talents and raise and donate funds to make a difference. And we have an awful lot of fun doing it. Contact our Membership Chair to learn more about how YOU could join now.
LWC is non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization.
"There is nothing more invigorating, challenging and inspiring than a group of independent women coming together for the good of the Community. I am thankful to be a part of this Woman's Club reaching out to help the diverse and dynamic constituents of this small, historical community."
"I joined the Woman's Club so that I could make friends in our 'new community' and to feel like an integral part of Rockbridge County. I had always been a community volunteer and wanted to continue that effort here. I have met an interesting mix of women who have a passion for 'giving back.'"
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